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Apparition Chapel

Apparition Chapel

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

The Crib

The Crib

The Holy Sacrament Chapel

The Holy Sacrament Chapel

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary

Monument to Sacred Heart of Jesus

Monument to Sacred Heart of Jesus

House of Our Lady of Carmel

House of Our Lady of Carmel

Basilica of Most Holy Trinity

Basilica of Most Holy Trinity

Basilica of Most Holy

Basilica of Most Holy

The May 13, 1917, three children were pasturing their little herd they called: Lucia de Jesus, aged 10, and Francisco and Jacinta Marto, his cousins​​, 9 and 7 years.
Around midday, after praying the Rosary, as was their custom, they saw a bright light, thinking it a bolt of lightning, they decided to leave, but just below, another flash lit up the place, and on top of a small holm oak tree (where now stands the Chapel of Apparitions), "a lady brighter than the sun", from whose hands hung a white rosary.
The Lady told the three shepherds that it was necessary to pray a lot and invited them to return to the "Cova da Iria" during five consecutive months on the 13th day at that hour.
The children did so, and the 13th day of June, July, September and October, the Lady again appeared to them and spoke to them.
At the last apparition, on October 13, being present around 70,000 people, the Lady told them that was the "Lady of the Rosary" and they did a chapel in her honor.
The Sanctuary of Fatima is, in essence, a place of pilgrimage, motivated by the supernatural character of the founding event, the apparitions of Our Lady to the three shepherd.
Support for the promotion of the Message of Fatima in Portugal and in the world, is an integral part of the mission of the Sanctuary.
.Apparition Chapel
.Berlin Wall
.The Crib The Holy Sacrament
.Chapel Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
.Catedral Monument to the Holy heart of Jesus .Retreat Houses and pastoral Paulo VI Centres .The Holy Trinity Cathedral
Visit in the Tours:
After Easter until end of October:
08h00 - MASS, in Italien, Monday through Friday.
10h00 – ROSARY, Saturdays & Sundays.
12h00 – ROSARY, Monday through Friday.
12h30 – MASS, Monday through Saturday.
15h30 - MASS, in English, Monday to Friday.
16h00 – ROSARY. Sundays only.
16:30 - MASS. Sundays only.
17h00 – SALUTATION to Our Lady. Saturdays only.
18h30 – ROSARY, broadcast by Radio Renascença, Radio SIM, Radio and TV Canção Nova and Telepace.
19h15 - MASS, in Spanish. Monday through Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, is broadcast by Rádio SIM, also of the Renascença Group.
21h30 – ROSARY & CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION. On Thursday, procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
INFORMATION: On the Anniversary pilgrimages, the evening celebrations on the 12th and the morning ones on the 13th are broadcast live from the Prayer Area of the Shrine of Fatima.
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