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CASA DOS OVOS MOLES - Portuguese Conventual Sweets

After a long research across the country, in monasteries, in convents, in the ancient culinary tradition of Portuguese families, seeking for the ancient recipes and the best kept secrets, the "Casa dos Ovos Moles" presents the best there is in the Conventual sweets. 

The Portuguese sweet recipes, with 500 years of history, can be tasted at the heart of Lisbon: Ovos Moles de Aveiro, Pão de Ló, Pastel de Nata, Pastel de Tentugal, Queijada de Sintra, all served in century old Bordallo Pinheiro’s tableware, one of the most renown Portuguese ceramists, taste even better.

A sweet journey from the north to the south of Portugal, a genuine comfort for the soul. 

Welcome to our traditions.


+ know more about the Conventual Sweets


Phone: +351 919 303 788
Visit in the Tours:


Estrela Store:

Tuesday to Friday

from 10 am. to 7 pm.
Saturday and Sunday
from 10.30 am. to 7 pm.
Closed on Monday's
C. Ourique Market Store:
Open every day
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